Teaching “oil and gas chemistry” through an interactive approach


  • Olga L. Shepelyuk Tyumen Industrial University, Russia

Mots-clés :

Chemical training, Oil and Gas Chemistry, Oil and Gas Business, prevailing circumstances, self-organization, self-education


In the article, the author examines the theoretical issues of the problem of the quality of chemical training of students at an oil and gas university. The author shows that the discipline “Oil and Gas Chemistry” is the discipline of the basic part of the main professional educational program of the specialty “Oil and Gas Business” at Tyumen Industrial University, therefore, the success of a specialist in this field will largely depend on the quality of chemical training. But due to the prevailing circumstances in which the study time is 51 hours per semester, it is not enough for effective learning, therefore, the question of effectively, methodically correct organization of the educational process of chemical training of future specialists remains relevant. The article provides a brief overview of some of the interactive methods, its advantages and the possibility of using in the classroom. The author conducted a detailed review of the scientific literature on this topic, showed the widespread use of this method in the study of various disciplines. Base of the research: Department of Natural Sciences and Humanities, the Branch of IUT in Surgut. The interactive lecture method was used as an interactive teaching approach. In the article it is shown that the use of such a method in the educational process in the study of oil and gas chemistry at the university allows to increase the motivation to study the subject, to develop selforganization and self-education students’ skills..


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Biographie de l'auteur

Olga L. Shepelyuk, Tyumen Industrial University, Russia

Tyumen Industrial University, Russia


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Comment citer

Shepelyuk, O. L. (2019). Teaching “oil and gas chemistry” through an interactive approach. Amazonia Investiga, 8(18), 409–416. Consulté à l’adresse https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/334


