The environmental education evaluation at cuban schools. Some considerations


  • Gonzalo González Hernández Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Villa Clara, Cuba.


Educative process, environmental education, evaluation


This article deals with the question: what and how to assess the environmental education for sustainable development? Its objective is to treat the evaluation of the educational process focusing on environmental education to provide indicators to assess it in the context of school education process. The evaluation is a process relay; it offers information about the quality and the efficiency about the changes necessaries to achieve the goals. The environmental education evaluation uses indicators that include the instruction and the education: knowledge, skills, and together the convictions, feelings, attitudes and behavior. The link between the instruction and the education make the process complex, because the time to evaluate the changes in the students is different, the instruction needs short times but the education is a long process and the result is difficult to observe. The evaluation of the environmental education is important for the process´s development as such, and gives the necessary information to know the other component of the process behavior objective, content, method, aids and the organization forms. As part of the school educational process, the environmental education is a component of the whole student evaluation among the other global issues.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo González Hernández, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Villa Clara, Cuba.

Profesor Titular. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor-investigador del Centro de Estudios de Educación. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Jefe del proyecto “El perfeccionamiento de la Educación ambiental en las escuelas ubicadas en el Plan Turquino de Villa Clara, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Villa Clara, Cuba.


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How to Cite

González Hernández, G. (2016). The environmental education evaluation at cuban schools. Some considerations. Amazonia Investiga, 5(8), 67–76. Retrieved from



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