Classroom experience: model of the functioning of the heart. Tool learning teaching of electric circuits


  • Leidy Vanessa Cortés Ramos Universidad de la Amazonia.
  • Karen Julieth Artunduaga Universidad de la Amazonia.
  • Yessica Andrea Suarez Universidad de la Amazonia.
  • José Antonio Marín Peña Universidad de la Amazonia.


Electrical circuits; Previous Ideas; Teaching tools; Teaching – learning; Teaching model; Classroom experience.


The aim of this paper is to present the development of the proposal to use a model mechanical - electrical simulating system of the heart as a teaching tool for the teaching and learning of electrical circuits in grade eleven, of secondary education. Methodology: the following phases were developed: to) design of the didactic model, it planned the activity of class work based on constructivist methods, as it is the knowledge of previous ideas; b) testing laboratories on the mechanical movement of the heart, is a confrontation of these ideas with the experimental process; c) adaptation of the educational model to a circuit; d) application of the teaching model for electric circuits in the classroom teaching. Academic practice was conducted with students of the educational institution of the city of Florencia, Caquetá Dominic Savio. Results: the application of a teaching tool allows a better understanding of physical concepts such as electrical circuits, especially RC circuits and the strengthening of the theoretical elements that the student is from use of models similar to the issues studied. It is concluded that the study of actual situations of everyday life, complemented by the realization of experimental practices, contributes greatly to the understanding of scientific issues.


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Author Biographies

Leidy Vanessa Cortés Ramos, Universidad de la Amazonia.

Estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Matemáticas y Física, Universidad de la Amazonia.

Karen Julieth Artunduaga, Universidad de la Amazonia.

Licenciada en Matemáticas y Física. Docente área de Física, Universidad de la Amazonia.

Yessica Andrea Suarez, Universidad de la Amazonia.

Estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Matemáticas y Física, Universidad de la Amazonia.

José Antonio Marín Peña, Universidad de la Amazonia.

M.Sc. en Física. Docente área de Física, Universidad de la Amazonia.


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How to Cite

Cortés Ramos, L. V., Artunduaga, K. J., Suarez, Y. A., & Marín Peña, J. A. (2016). Classroom experience: model of the functioning of the heart. Tool learning teaching of electric circuits. Amazonia Investiga, 5(8), 41–50. Retrieved from


