Tasks math, learning environments: mobilisation levels of complexity, competition math communicaten


  • Wilder Pastor Murcia Artunduaga Colegio María Inmaculada del Doncello, Caquetá.
  • Carolina Perdomo Navarro Colegio María Inmaculada del Doncello, Caquetá.


Mathematical Competition Communication, mathematical task, Environments of Learning, levels of complexity. Describers of competition, Evaluation of the level of complexity of competition.


This investigation is a contribution to promote the Mobilization of the Levels of Complexity of the Mathematical Competition (CMC) to report, from the selection, adjustment, construction and implementation of significant tasks. The above mentioned tasks do not relate only to cognitive aspects, but they involve cognitive aspects of affective order, goal-cognitive and social, associated with experiences and individual cultures. This work was realized by the methodology of study of cases, they were organized in the ninth degree, equipments of work of to four pupils. This method of work enriches the negotiation and construction of mathematical meanings in the learning of the similarity of triangles. From this vision they put in evidence certain on dynamics in that demonstrates the mobilization of the Levels of Complexity of the CMC, as of his typical aspects. The mathematical tasks that were implemented name: the fair and calculating a height difficult to measure. In the results of some episodes of the meetings works of two environments of learning, develó that to learn mathematics is a discursive construction subject to the need to take part, to socialize and to interact intersubjectively. In the conclusions there appears the importance of establishing describers in the qualification of the levels of complexity of the Mathematical Competition I concern: a) the actions of the students in the development of the tasks that appear them; b) to create environments of learning that generate spaces of participation and collaboration in that they estimate attitudes and values, to favour the development of the intentions of improvement of the learnings of the concepts associated with the mathematical object in study and, c) contextualizar the learning of the mathematics from the implementation of tasks, which implies developing them in a royal and familiar context for the student.


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Author Biographies

Wilder Pastor Murcia Artunduaga, Colegio María Inmaculada del Doncello, Caquetá.

Magíster en Educación. Profesor del Colegio María Inmaculada del Doncello, Caquetá.

Carolina Perdomo Navarro, Colegio María Inmaculada del Doncello, Caquetá.

Magíster en Educación. Profesor del Colegio María Inmaculada del Doncello, Caquetá.


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How to Cite

Murcia Artunduaga, W. P., & Perdomo Navarro, C. (2015). Tasks math, learning environments: mobilisation levels of complexity, competition math communicaten. Amazonia Investiga, 4(6), 35–54. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/683


