Propuesta de enseñanza basada en el modelo speaking: desarrollo de la producción oral.


  • María Isabel Suaza Mena Institución Educativa El Chaira José María Córdoba.


Oral production, English as a foreign language, teaching, model Speaking.


The purpose of this article is to contribute to the development of oral production in English, by means of a study the practices of teaching a group of students in the ninth grade of basic secondary education in the institution educational the Chaira José María Córdoba of the municipality of Cartagena del Chairá. The research is qualitative and instruments implemented for diagnosis, analysis of data and preparation of the didactic proposal were not structured interview, analysis of the SPEAKING model and the model of interaction matrix. This work was done with 35 ninth grade of basic secondary education students between 13 and 15 years, at levels 1 and 2. From diagnosis and analysis showed that there is motivation of teachers for the teaching of English, but there are difficulties to develop oral production students. As an alternative, to improve the problems of teaching and orality in English, arises a didactic proposition based on the SPEAKING model, communicative approach and the PPP approach.


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Author Biography

María Isabel Suaza Mena, Institución Educativa El Chaira José María Córdoba.

Magíster en Educación. Lic. En Inglés. Institución Educativa El Chaira José María Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Suaza Mena, M. I. (2014). Propuesta de enseñanza basada en el modelo speaking: desarrollo de la producción oral. Amazonia Investiga, 3(4), 145–165. Retrieved from


