The lexeme of clothes and headdresses in the tatar lingvoculture (on the material of the dilogy by M. Galau «Mut» and «Mukhadjiri»)


  • Zulfia G. Hanova Kazan Federal University
  • Radif R. Zamaletdinov Kazan Federal University
  • Аidar J. Khabutdinov Russian University of Justice
  • Gulnara F. Zamaletdinova Kazan Federal University
  • Fanuza H. Gabdrakhmanova Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. TolstoyKazan Federal University


Tatar language, Tatar literature, M. Galiau, Tatar traditional costume, lexeme of clothes and hats


The article systematized the scientific literature on the history of the Tatar costume study. Such concepts as Tatar classical traditional and Tatar traditional costumes are used as a scientific apparatus. The work is the study of the costume detail functioning in the dilogy by Mahmut Galyau "Mut" ("????????? ?????") and "Muhajirs" ("??????????"). The prospects of the Tatar costume study were proved based on the material of historical novels. "The language of the costume" is represented in the depiction of the hero social position, serves as the means of psychological characterization, allows a reader to form a reliable idea about the everyday life of the epoch. During the study they revealed that the Tatar clothing of the dilogy heroes included a shirt, trousers, a camisole, a kazakin, a jilan, a chaplet, a fur coat, three-lap fur coats, a sheepskin coat, trousers, a beshmet, ichigi, kavushi, shoes, caps, tuqyah, skullcaps. Some Mahmut Galyau's heroes are dressed in European costume. Clothing acts as a confessional marker in the dilogy. The following layers are represented in the vocabulary of clothing and hats, which are presented in the novel: 1) Common Türkic vocabulary; 2) the names of clothes and headgear, formed and used only in Tatar language; 3) borrowings.


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Author Biographies

Zulfia G. Hanova, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Radif R. Zamaletdinov, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Аidar J. Khabutdinov, Russian University of Justice

Russian University of Justice

Gulnara F. Zamaletdinova, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Fanuza H. Gabdrakhmanova, Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. TolstoyKazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University


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How to Cite

Hanova, Z. G., Zamaletdinov, R. R., Khabutdinov А. J., Zamaletdinova, G. F., & Gabdrakhmanova, F. H. (2018). The lexeme of clothes and headdresses in the tatar lingvoculture (on the material of the dilogy by M. Galau «Mut» and «Mukhadjiri»). Amazonia Investiga, 7(12), 325–330. Retrieved from


