Passenger transport service market functioning and development management in urban agglomerations based on integrated approach


  • A. E. Kravchenko Department of Krasnodar Transport Structures, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological university.
  • D. A. Gura Department of Cadastre and Geoengineering, Krasnodar, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological university.
  • A. Yu. Dernovoy Department of traffic and road safety organization, Krasnodar, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological university.


The market of passenger transport services, urban agglomeration, the problems of functioning and development management, passenger transport, the quality of transport services for population, integrated approach, SWOT analysis, STEP analysis, scenario effect


In this article, according to the results of urban agglomeration study of the Krasnodar Territory, they revealed global and local problems of passenger transport service market functioning and development affecting the quality of transport services. A new classification of passenger transport services markets is proposed, which allows to differentiate and optimize a route network in accordance with the requirements of consumer demand. An integrated approach has been formulated that integrates SWOT analysis and PEST analysis tools
into a single coherent system that allows to take into account the global and the local aspects of passenger transport service market functioning and development to solve the problems of management in urban agglomerations. The matrix model "CTON" ("Coordination of public transport services") is developed, which includes a substantial part of SWOT and PEST analysis tools, the use of which allows to identify the components that affect an effective functioning and the development of PTS markets systematically and purposefully. SWOT and PEST analysis was carried out, on the basis of which the components of KTON matrix were determined and structured in the issue of various types of markets for PTS functioning and development management on the example of urban agglomerations of the Krasnodar Territory. They developed universal script nomograms to optimize a route network, taking into account the seasonal factor of PTS provision to the population and allowing adjust the process of transport services for population in a functional way on the basis of a balance of benefits observation for all interested parties-participants of PTS markets (Customer-Carrier-Consumer). They proposed an estimated economic-mathematical model, on the basis of which an absolute integral economic effect from a route network optimization is determined.


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Author Biographies

A. E. Kravchenko, Department of Krasnodar Transport Structures, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological university.

Department of Krasnodar Transport Structures, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological university.

D. A. Gura, Department of Cadastre and Geoengineering, Krasnodar, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological university.

Department of Cadastre and Geoengineering, Krasnodar, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological university.

A. Yu. Dernovoy, Department of traffic and road safety organization, Krasnodar, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological university.

The Department of traffic and road safety organization, Krasnodar, Moscowskaya str. Kuban state technological


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, A. E., Gura, D. A., & Dernovoy, A. Y. (2018). Passenger transport service market functioning and development management in urban agglomerations based on integrated approach. Amazonia Investiga, 7(13), 331–350. Retrieved from


