Developing interdisciplinary indicatirs for revised headlines of humanities disciplines in universities


  • Soolmaz Nourabadi Departament of Educational Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran. Iran.
  • Mahdi Sobhaninejad Departament of Educational Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran. Iran


Headline Indicators, Revised Disciplines, Humanities, Higher Educational System


Considering the broadness and complexity of various sciences, on the one hand; and the need to respond to the diverse needs of learners and society, on the other hand, attention to the use of interdisciplinary curricula has been placed on the priority of the higher educational system of the country. Meanwhile, academic curriculum lines also require specific indicators to provide interdisciplinary provision. Given the fact that the headlines is considered as the core of the curriculum in university, reviewing the revised headings of the humanities in university, in light of its designers' claims on respect for interdisciplinary criteria, needs to be investigated. Of course, before the above-mentioned action, research is needed to develop interdisciplinary indicators for revised headline of the humanities in university. The present study has been designed and implemented to develop the abovementioned interdisciplinary indicators for headline of the revised humanities in university. For this purpose, first of all, due to the importance of the documents and ratifications of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and the upstream documents of the country as well as other issues discussed in this field, the items related to interdisciplinary indicators was extracted using the method of documentary analysis. Then, from the views of Interdisciplinary specialists, academic curriculum was also used through research interview method and their opinions were gathered. Data from the two sections were coded and categorized and an interdisciplinary indicator framework for headline of the disciplines of the humanities in university was developed using the inference method. The framework has dimensions: Appropriate and needed revised headlines for this type of programs for young people, headline fit of interdisciplinary curriculum with community needs, headline diversity of interdisciplinary curriculum, use of indicators for updating, Localization and Islamicization in revising headlines, coherence between headlines of a lesson and between the headlines of that interdisciplinary course, the design of interdisciplinary skills in the headline of the interdisciplinary lessons from simple to complex, creating an effective balance in the breadth, depth and composition in the headline of the Interdisciplinary curriculum, the participation of professors in the revise, transformation and innovation of Interdisciplinary headlines, Considering the necessary arrangements for students' participation and discussion, considering the basic abilities and competencies required by students to enter the community. Each dimension also has a number of components that have been addressed in the research. It should be noted that the developed indicators are inferred from this framework.


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Author Biographies

Soolmaz Nourabadi, Departament of Educational Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran. Iran.

Assistant Professor, Departament of Educational Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran. Iran.

Mahdi Sobhaninejad, Departament of Educational Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran. Iran

Associate Professor, Departament of Educational Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran. Iran


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How to Cite

Nourabadi, S., & Sobhaninejad, M. (2018). Developing interdisciplinary indicatirs for revised headlines of humanities disciplines in universities. Amazonia Investiga, 7(16), 285–296. Retrieved from


