Human resources in management of smoothing of geographical space polarization of the region


  • Alfiya Zinovyeva Kazan Federal University
  • Svetlana Shabalina Kazan Federal University


Human resources, unevenness of spatial development, the management of spatial development of geographic region.


The majority of countries with “owertaken” economy on EU territory, and Russian Federation, has significant margin of human resources that have sufficiently high educational level and “hard skills” - professional competences. With the assumption that in the modern economic discus there is the hypothesis that sifgnificant margine of human resources increases the competitive structure of geofraphical space economy in the region, stimulate development of high technology sectors in it, and, in whole, gives significant economical growth. However, up to the present day, given hypothesis proves unfounded in practical apects in emerging countries, which still lag behind in terms of sustainable economic development. In our opinion, this situation is associated with geographical space polarization in the regions, related to the irregularity in the distribution of various recources, human recources included. Therefore, in this article authors attempted to highlight the main theoretical aspects to the understanding of the importance of human resources accumulation and consumption in the management of uneven spatial development smoothing of geographic areas in the current conditions of Russian economy recession.


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Author Biographies

Alfiya Zinovyeva, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Svetlana Shabalina, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University


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How to Cite

Zinovyeva, A., & Shabalina, S. (2018). Human resources in management of smoothing of geographical space polarization of the region. Amazonia Investiga, 7(15), 81–87. Retrieved from


