Russian liberal movement of the early 20th century in historical research


  • Denis V. Shchukin Bunin Yelets State University


Liberalism, history, Russia, State Duma, Cadet Party, faction, parliament, historiography.


The article presents a review and consideration of the main aspects, directions and specifics of research publications on the history of liberal parties in Russia in the early 20th century and their parliamentary representatives (factions) in the State Duma over this period. Carrying out this research, the author used methods of structural-functional analysis, historical-comparative and problem-chronological method, as well as the principle of scientific objectivity. The author carefully examined the enormous work done by researchers on archival materials and sources related to the history of political life in Russia in the early 20th century, its institutions and representatives. At the same time, the research goes beyond consideration of the accumulated experience and views of Russian scientists (A.Ya. Avrekh, D.V. Aronov, A.N. Egorov, V.V. Shelokhayev and others) on the subject matter stated in the title of the article, but also presents the relevant opinions of international historians (L. Edmondson, W.G. Rosenberg, D. Wartenweiler, R. Williams, J. Hosking, M. Stockdale). One of the research results is the analysis of works on the history of the People’s Freedom Party (Cadets) as one of the largest liberal parties in Russian politics during the studied period. The author claims that at present moment it seems viable to look at the main aspects of the history of the liberal movement (parties) in Russia in the early 20th century and their parliamentary representatives both for general understanding of the work done by domestic and international historians in this area, and for understanding the specifics of its transformational change regarding the temporary development factor.


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Author Biography

Denis V. Shchukin, Bunin Yelets State University

Bunin Yelets State University


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How to Cite

Shchukin, D. V. (2019). Russian liberal movement of the early 20th century in historical research. Amazonia Investiga, 8(18), 203–209. Retrieved from


