Website as an object of legal protection by Ukrainian legislation


  • Kateryna Nekit Civil Law Department of National University “Odessa Law Academy”
  • Halyna Ulianova National University «Odesa Law Academy»
  • Denis Kolodi National University “Odesa Law Academy”


Website, domain name, content, digital content, complex object, invalid information, property, intellectual property


The article is devoted to the study of the concept, legal nature and components of a website. Based on the method of systematic and formal analysis, the conclusion is made, that the current definition of the concept of a website gives grounds to consider it a complex object of civil rights. In the structure of the website the objects of intellectual property rights (copyright, related rights, industrial property rights), as well as such a separate object of civil rights as information can be identified. Each of these objects has its own legal regime, but the website as a whole may also act as a separate object of civil relations, be subject to legal protection as a separate object, become subject to assignments, etc. The correlation between the concepts of the website and the domain name is carried out using the comparative method. It is concluded that the website and the domain name are separate independent objects on the civil field. A domain name is not an integral part of a website and should not be passed by default upon alienation of a website. Special attention is paid to protecting the content of the website from plagiarism and piracy, as well as liability for inaccurate information posted on the site.


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Biografia do Autor

Kateryna Nekit, Civil Law Department of National University “Odessa Law Academy”

PhD, Associate Professor of Civil Law Department of National University “Odessa Law Academy”

Halyna Ulianova, National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Doctor of Law Science, Professor, Professor of Intellectual Property and Corporate Law Department, Vice-rector for Scientific Work of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Denis Kolodi, National University “Odesa Law Academy”

PhD, Professor assistant of Criminal law Department, Head of Civil law and Economic Justice Faculty of National University “Odesa Law Academy”.


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Como Citar

Nekit, K., Ulianova, H., & Kolodi, D. (2019). Website as an object of legal protection by Ukrainian legislation. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 222–230. Recuperado de


