Specialization and concentration of investments in fixed assets of enterprises: information from Russia


  • I. S. Pinkovetskaia Ulyanovsk State University, Russia.
  • Y. V. Nuretdinova Ulyanovsk State University, Russia
  • N. M. Neif Ulyanovsk state agrarian University P.A. Stolypin, Russia
  • T. V. Treskova Ulyanovsk state agrarian University P.A. Stolypin, Russia


Investment, sectoral concentration, regional specialization, types of economic activity, enterprises.


The purpose of this study was to assess the current levels of sectoral concentration and regional specialization of investments in Russia using Krugman’s Indexes of concentration and specialization. The study used data from the official statistical observation of activities of all Russian enterprises for the year 2014, representing 78 Russian regions and 14 types of economic activity. A calculated indices based sectoral and regional analysis of investments has enabled us to assess the achieved level of investment differentiation, to identify the most significant contributions to the sectoral concentration and regional specialization, as well as to perform a comparative analysis of investment flows. A high level of concentration was observed in hospitality, fishing and aquaculture sectors. The regional specialization is relatively small in Russia. These results could be of interest to entrepreneurs when choosing the type of sectors. The economic models developed in this study can be widely applied to monitor and diagnose the level of investment, as well as to transform the national policy in order to increase the return on fixed capital investment of enterprises. The methodological significance of this work consists in the development of tools describing the investment processes in Russia, as well as in the assessment of the current level of their territorial and sectoral differentiation.


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Biografia do Autor

I. S. Pinkovetskaia, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia.

PhD, Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia.

Y. V. Nuretdinova, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

N. M. Neif, Ulyanovsk state agrarian University P.A. Stolypin, Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk state agrarian University P.A. Stolypin, Russia

T. V. Treskova, Ulyanovsk state agrarian University P.A. Stolypin, Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk state agrarian University P.A. Stolypin, Russia


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Como Citar

Pinkovetskaia, I. S., Nuretdinova, Y. V., Neif, N. M., & Treskova, T. V. (2019). Specialization and concentration of investments in fixed assets of enterprises: information from Russia. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 52–61. Recuperado de https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/47


