The project "spiritual and moral culture of student youth" as the basis for the theoretical modeling of the spiritual and moral competence of students of Russian and Kazakhstan universities


  • Tatyana RUSAKOVA Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation
  • Galina MUSS Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation
  • Darya MIROSHNIKOVA Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation
  • Makhpal ZHOLDASOVA М.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Elena GOVERDOVSKAYA The Volgograd State Medical University" of the Ministry for Public Health of the Russian Federation


Spiritual and moral competence of the individual, spiritual and moral culture, values of the national culture, clusters of competencies, educational process at the university, student, behavioral indicators.


Analysis of the current socio-cultural situation in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan shows that there is a need to promote and carry out activities in the field of enriching the spiritual experience of students, the formation of their spiritual and moral culture, which plays the role of the sociocultural code of the country and ensures the creation of a single field of ideological paradigm of views and beliefs. As a consequence of the absence of these special regulators, Russia and Kazakhstan face problems hindering the transition to a strategy of priority development.The innovativeness of the proposed approach to the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of university students lies in the proposal to include in the clusters of common cultural and professional competencies of SMC competence as a method of competence ensuring its complementarity in any subject, the possibility of developing and implementing individual educational programs and educational work programs. The development of a multifactor model of the spiritual and moral development of human potential necessary to preserve the cultural and genetic code of a nation in a changing socio-cultural environment, to ensure human security in the emerging polycentric world at the stage of higher education, is accompanied by testing and is adjusted.


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Biografia do Autor

Tatyana RUSAKOVA, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Head of the Сhair of Artistic and Aesthetic Education, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Galina MUSS, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, Head of Institute of Pre-School and Primary education, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Darya MIROSHNIKOVA, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer of Chair of Foreign Languages, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation

Makhpal ZHOLDASOVA, М.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Lecturer, М.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Elena GOVERDOVSKAYA, The Volgograd State Medical University" of the Ministry for Public Health of the Russian Federation

Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director of postgraduate and additional education (Pyatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Volgograd State Medical University" of the Ministry for Public Health of the Russian Federation"


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Como Citar

RUSAKOVA, T., MUSS, G., MIROSHNIKOVA, D., ZHOLDASOVA, M., & GOVERDOVSKAYA, E. (2019). The project "spiritual and moral culture of student youth" as the basis for the theoretical modeling of the spiritual and moral competence of students of Russian and Kazakhstan universities. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 33–41. Recuperado de


