Development of social competence in university students: an innovative pedagogical approach




social competence, students, higher school, effective conditions for organizing the educational process, formation and development of students' social competence.


The article emphasizes the importance and explores the essence and content of the concept of social competence. It identifies the main components of social competence and the conditions for organizing the educational process to foster it. By analyzing the professional and social functions of specialists, the article identifies the components that should be based on an acmeological direction, social functions, and social norms of the individual, all of which are part of the main components of social competence. The optimization of the entire system of professional-pedagogical training involves finding effective approaches (in the context of level education) to develop social competence in future specialists. The article also demonstrates the importance of applying contextual learning theory to develop social competence in specialists. It outlines the components included in the structure of social competence and the main provisions of effective approaches and principles for the formation of social competence in students. Finally, the article shows ways to form and develop social competence through the use of information and communication technologies.


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Biografia do Autor

Inna Horiachok, Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine.

Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Slavic Philology, Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine.

Oleksandr Ostapiovskyi, Volyn In-Service Teachers Training Institute, Ukraine.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Volyn In-Service Teachers Training Institute, Ukraine.

Iryna Vasylenko, Cherkasy Medical Academy, Ukraine.

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Head of the Department of Fundamental Disciplines, Cherkasy Medical Academy, Ukraine.

Olena Snisar, Cherkasy Medical Academy, Ukraine.

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Head of the Department of Natural Sciences, Cherkasy Medical Academy, Ukraine.

Oksana Kukhniuk, Cherkasy Medical Academy, Ukraine. 

Ph.D. (Agricultural Science), Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines, Cherkasy Medical Academy, Ukraine. 


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Como Citar

Horiachok, I., Ostapiovskyi, O., Vasylenko, I., Snisar, O., & Kukhniuk, O. (2024). Development of social competence in university students: an innovative pedagogical approach. Amazonia Investiga, 13(77), 218–232.


