Regional mass media: from self-censorship to mythmaking


  • Olga Vladimirovna Tretyakova Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Dilovar Mirzomuddinovich Salimov Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Tatyana Alexandrovna Sidorova Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Olga Nikolaevna Ivanishcheva Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Maja Evgenevna Pankratova Murmansk Arctic State University, Captain Egorov St., Murmansk, Russia


Information provision, non-disclosure, self-censorship, media myth, regional mass media.


This article aims to solve the following scientific problem: to study the ways of interaction between mass media, audience and authorities used in regional practice. The relevance and scientific significance of solving the above-mentioned problem lies in the fact that modern mass media exist in a dynamically changing social space. The main objective is to determine how fully events of the political and public life of a country or region are reflected in the daily practice of regional mass media. Based on the analysis of print media, the authors of the article consider the authenticity, completeness and objectivity of the information worldview created by journalists of the Arkhangelsk Region. The contractual mechanism of information services used by authorities forces journalists to resort to self-censorship and non-disclosure of socially important information, which leads to the creation of media myths and the loss of professionalism, as well as changes essential characteristics of journalism. It is indicated that it is much more dangerous for this profession to consciously distort the reflected reality by emphasizing some events or certain aspects of the displayed phenomena and concealing others, i.e. manipulating mass consciousness through non-disclosure. Non-disclosure not only erases, destroys and eliminates facts, but also creates a mythical, distorted and unreliable information worldview.


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Biografia do Autor

Olga Vladimirovna Tretyakova, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Dilovar Mirzomuddinovich Salimov, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Tatyana Alexandrovna Sidorova, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Olga Nikolaevna Ivanishcheva, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Embankment of the Northern Dvina, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Maja Evgenevna Pankratova, Murmansk Arctic State University, Captain Egorov St., Murmansk, Russia

Murmansk Arctic State University, Captain Egorov St., Murmansk, Russia


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Como Citar

Tretyakova, O. V., Salimov, D. M., Sidorova, T. A., Ivanishcheva, O. N., & Pankratova, M. E. (2019). Regional mass media: from self-censorship to mythmaking. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 559–567. Recuperado de


