Structural changes in the professional training of higher education students in Russia


Mots-clés :

Higher education, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, long first degree, labor market, structure of professional training.


The article provides a statistical analysis of the dynamics and structure of professional training of higher education students. The main goal of the work is to identify the conformity of degrees of university graduates with the needs of the modern labor market. The empirical base of the study was compiled according to official statistics in Russia for 2013-2018. During the period under review, there was a 3.19% decrease in students studying under the Bachelor's degree program, while the number of long first degree students decreased by a factor of 3.39, and the number of students studying under Master's degree programs, in contrast, increased by a factor of 2.85. There is a tendency to reduce the share of accepted applications for university admission from the total number of applications submitted for all study programs, with the exception of Master's degree programs. The results obtained indicate that professions, which are popular with university students, are not in high demand in the modern labor market. Holders of a Bachelor's degree preferred mainly the humanitarian professions (related to Law, Economics, and Pedagogy). However, the related study programs are characterized by an overdemand and a high level of competition. Structural changes in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs have occurred in terms of increasing the share of academic and engineering programs. The calculations made it possible to trace the progressive change in the structure of student training under the long first degree programs towards the growth of the medical direction. A reduction in the primary link of the long first degree is due to its transformation to the basic form of Bachelor training.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Valentina E. Guseva, Department of Business Informatics and Mathematics, Tyumen Industrial University, Russian Federation.

Cand.Sci. (Pedagogical), Assistant professor of Department of Business Informatics and Mathematics, Tyumen Industrial University, Russian Federation.


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Comment citer

Guseva, V. E. (2019). Structural changes in the professional training of higher education students in Russia. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 693–706. Consulté à l’adresse


