Pejorative description of person using figurative paremiae in modern Yakut and Kyrgyz


  • Svetlana Mitrofanovna Prokopieva North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Russia
  • Semen Leonidovich Gavrilev North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Russia

Mots-clés :

Semantics, figurative meaning, concept, pejorative, paremia, the Yakut language, the Kyrgyz language.


Figurative paremiae with pejorative semantics in modern Yakut and Kyrgyz express the negative nature and bad consequences of antihuman actions associated with criminals. In the context of globalization, there is a need of shaping individuals who combine a focus on ethnic cultural spiritual values, tolerance, and ability to intercultural communication. Family and the education system aim at promoting a well-rounded person. A didactic nature of figurative meaning in paremiae implies condemnation of inhumanity, aggression, intolerance, violence, glorification of the criminal world. To study linguistic manifestation of negative behavior of some individuals is important for elimination or reduction of its negative impact on modern society. Pejorative description of person in Yakut and Kyrgyz paremiae has not been a subject of research yet. The general research method is inductive-deductive, with linguistic methods used being the comparative method that allows receiving data on universal and language-specific features of phraseological units of the compared languages, the componential analysis, and phraseological identification. Comparative study of figurative paremiae in the contest of culture and in terms of cognition is a promising field of modern linguistics.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Svetlana Mitrofanovna Prokopieva, North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Russia

Professor North-Eastern Federal University 677000, Belinski Street 58, Yakutsk, Russia

Semen Leonidovich Gavrilev, North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Russia

Master’s Degree student North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Russia


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Comment citer

Prokopieva, S. M., & Gavrilev, S. L. (2019). Pejorative description of person using figurative paremiae in modern Yakut and Kyrgyz. Amazonia Investiga, 8(22), 401–407. Consulté à l’adresse


