Influence of Roman private law on the basic principles of singular succession in the inheritance law of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania


  • Olha Tsybulska National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa
  • Nadiia Voronina National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa
  • Natalia Fomichova National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa
  • Vira Tokareva National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa
  • Mykola Matiiko National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa

Mots-clés :

Universal succession, singular succession, legate, fideicommissum, inheritance law, testator, will.


The authors of the article analyzed the hereditary laws of the present day based on the designs that were used during the time of ancient Rome. The object of the study of the article is the succession – universal and singular. Universal succession is characterized by the fact that civil rights and responsibilities pass directly to other persons directly, as a whole, in full, by a single act, at the same time. Singular succession is a legal succession of individual rights or duties. By singular succession to individuals, only certain property benefits passed without any burden on them. These were the so-called testamentary disposition, carried out in the form of a legate and fideicommissum. The authors concluded that in the modern civil law of Ukraine, with the help of a legate, the testator is given the opportunity to assign the heir to the will of execution of any property obligation in favor of the person - the legatee specified by the testator. Poland and Lithuania also have a singular succession. The comparative legal analysis made by the authors testifies that they differ only in certain details from the constructions contained in the legislation of Ukraine. Thus, on the example of the analysis of the rules of inheritance law of the above-mentioned states, one can be convinced that the influence of the rules of Roman law on the corresponding testamentary constructions is present and is decisive.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Olha Tsybulska, National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa

National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa

Nadiia Voronina, National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa

 National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa  

Natalia Fomichova, National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa

 National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa  

Vira Tokareva, National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa

 National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa  

Mykola Matiiko, National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa

 National University Odesa Law Academy: Odesa  


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Comment citer

Tsybulska, O., Voronina, N., Fomichova, N., Tokareva, V., & Matiiko, M. (2019). Influence of Roman private law on the basic principles of singular succession in the inheritance law of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 144–154. Consulté à l’adresse


