The symbolic dimension of the product ontology


  • Anton S. Krasnov Kazan Federal University

Mots-clés :

philosophy; goods; thing; capitalism; metaphysics.


The purpose of this article is to reveal the symbolic nature of the goods, which forms not only its market value. Man, being in a state of joint existence with the world of things created by nature or labor, is forced to comprehend this world in reflective, sensationalistic and metaphysical dimensions. Goods and things are intermediaries between man and the world, man and society, but an important role is played less by their material incarnation than by the connection with the transcendent, ultimately sensible measurement of human life, because the basis for giving things and goods symbolism is the existential human need determined by the human nature. Man, understanding his own finitude in this being, understanding the value of life, strives to realize one of the relative forms of immortality - to preserve a part of his natural uniqueness in material things. Modern technologies allow everyone to make this and formation and development of the Internet and IT-technologies allows each person to listen to others and be heard, to leave their thoughts, products of spiritual production in another dimension - virtual reality. But what happens to the person himself and how does this affect his essence? Is it possible to transfer the products of human labor activity into the space of virtual reality without losing their supersensible nature? And what, in the final analysis, is the transition from capitalism to postcapitalism, marking a new vector of the objectification of the human essence? This article is devoted to answering these questions.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Anton S. Krasnov, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University


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Comment citer

Krasnov, A. S. (2018). The symbolic dimension of the product ontology. Amazonia Investiga, 7(12), 273–278. Consulté à l’adresse


