Interaction between the authorities and the non-profit sector in Russian Federation: resources and development constraints


  • Elena V. Frolova Department of Management and Administration Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Natalia V. Medvedeva Department of Management and Administration; Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Tatyana M. Ryabova Department of Management and Administration; Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Olga V. Rogach Department of Management and Administration; Russian State Social University, Russian Federation
  • Lyudmila V. Senicheva Department of Management and Administration Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Mots-clés :

Non-profit organizations, authorities, development resources, intersector partnership, support mechanisms.


The aim of the work is to study the conditions of Russian NPO functioning, the key problems and the trends of their development, and to develop the mechanisms that provide constructive practices for cooperation between the state and the non-profit sector. The results of statistical studies illustrate a high level of territorial differentiation among the representatives of the non-commercial sector, which creates inequality in terms of access to social services, the opportunities to meet the social needs of the population, the development of civil society, the involvement of social groups for the development and the implementation of managerial decisions in the social sphere. A low level of financial and infrastructural security of NPO activities, the lack of voluntary support lead to the reduction of trends and the volume of social assistance for the population. Currently, the interaction of local government and non-profit public organizations is characterized by rather narrow models of cooperation. The leading mechanism that can provide the necessary modernization of non-profit organization activities, the increase of their role and representation in public problem solution, is an intersectoral social partnership that can provide constructive coordination of key agent positions in the social space, an effective interaction of government bodies, population and public organizations.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Elena V. Frolova, Department of Management and Administration Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Doctor of sociological sciences, professor of the Department of Management and Administration Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Natalia V. Medvedeva, Department of Management and Administration; Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Candidate of sociological sciences, assistant professor at the Department of Management and Administration; Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Tatyana M. Ryabova, Department of Management and Administration; Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Candidate of sociological sciences, assistant professor at the Department of Management and Administration;
Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Olga V. Rogach, Department of Management and Administration; Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Candidate of sociological sciences, assistant professor at the Department of Management and Administration;
Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Lyudmila V. Senicheva, Department of Management and Administration Russian State Social University, Russian Federation

Senior lecturer of the Department of Management and Administration Russian State Social University, Russian Federation


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Comment citer

Frolova, E. V., Medvedeva, N. V., Ryabova, T. M., Rogach, O. V., & Senicheva, L. V. (2018). Interaction between the authorities and the non-profit sector in Russian Federation: resources and development constraints. Amazonia Investiga, 7(13), 364–373. Consulté à l’adresse


