Development of competitive advantage evaluation technique for industrial clusters on the basis of m. porter's national competitiveness model "Rhombus" transformation


  • Olga Yur’evna Vorozhbit Higher education educational institution «Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service», Russia
  • Natalia Yur’evna Titova Higher education educational institution «Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service», Russia
  • Irina Aleksandrovna Kuzmicheva Higher education educational institution «Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service», Russia
  • Marina Vladimirovna Borovitskaya Higher education educational institution «Togliatti State University» Russia

Mots-clés :

Industrial cluster, national competitiveness, competitive advantages, cluster policy


One of the most important tasks of the current stage of development is the achievement of competitiveness at all levels, the preservation of the previously accumulated resource potential and the all-round increase of production capital in the main industries. World practice showed that the development of industrial clusters is one of the most effective ways to enhance national competitiveness. At the same time, the development of clustering processes requires significant investments both from the state, creating a certain cluster policy, and from the cluster initiators. In this regard, the issue arises concerning most effective support measures at
each stage of an industrial cluster life cycle. The purpose of this article is to develop the the authors to propose the division of production factors into basic resource and infrastructural, which is especially important for Russian business environment. This transformation served as the basis for the developed methodology, which includes an integral indicator of clustering factor development. The analysis of each of its components on the developed scale allows to reveal the degree of cluster initiative implementation, as well as to determine the most  effective support measures based on the state of the cluster competitive advantages. The determination of cluster competitive advantages is carried out by the method of focus group conduct among experts, and their quantitative assessment is carried out using the questionnaire
method, which gives the assessment of implementation and importance. The developed methodology can be used to develop normative and strategic programs for the formation and the functioning of industrial clusters, the development of which corresponds to the implementation of import substitution processes
and the transition of Russia to an innovative type of development.
methodology that allows us to formulate support measures for an effective development of industrial clusters based on a quantitative assessment of their competitive advantages. The theoretical basis of the study is the model of M. Porter's national competitive advantages "rhombus", the critical analysis of which allowed the authors to propose the division of production factors into basic resource and infrastructural,
which is especially important for Russian business environment. This transformation served as the
basis for the developed methodology, which includes an integral indicator of clustering factor
development. The analysis of each of its components on the developed scale allows to reveal the degree of cluster initiative implementation, as well as to determine the most effective support measures based on the state of the cluster competitive advantages. The determination of cluster competitive advantages
is carried out by the method of focus group conduct among experts, and their quantitativennassessment is carried out using the questionnaire method, which gives the assessment of implementation and importance. The developed methodology can be used to develop normative and strategic programs for the formation and the functioning of industrial clusters, the development of which corresponds to the implementation of import substitution processes and the transition of Russia to an innovative type of development.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Olga Yur’evna Vorozhbit, Higher education educational institution «Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service», Russia

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service», Russia

Natalia Yur’evna Titova, Higher education educational institution «Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service», Russia

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Vladivostok Stat University of Economics and
Service», Russia

Irina Aleksandrovna Kuzmicheva, Higher education educational institution «Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service», Russia

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service», Russia

Marina Vladimirovna Borovitskaya, Higher education educational institution «Togliatti State University» Russia

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Togliatti State University» Russia


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Comment citer

Vorozhbit, O. Y., Titova, N. Y., Kuzmicheva, I. A., & Borovitskaya, M. V. (2018). Development of competitive advantage evaluation technique for industrial clusters on the basis of m. porter’s national competitiveness model "Rhombus" transformation. Amazonia Investiga, 7(13), 308–321. Consulté à l’adresse


