The relationship between psychopathology by abusing smoking, alcohol, and drugs in boy teenagers of Ahvaz city


  • Farahnaz Amirloo MA of Clinical Psychology
  • Javad Alaghebandrad Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Gholamreza Garmarudi Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Mots-clés :

abusing smoking, alcohol, and drugs, GAIN-S screener, YSR test, SDQ test, a teenager


The prevalence of abusing cigarette, alcohol, and drugs have changed to the social matters among teenagers and youth of Iran and has made deep concerns in various managerial, academic, and public levels of society.
In studies, the mean age of starting cigarette in Iran is 6.16 years old and the highest ratio of addicts of state (7.45%) started abusing drug since the age of 17-22 years old. Therefore, one of the most significant preventive approaches is the identification of the risk factors in the risk populations. Therefore, the main objective of this research is comparison the cigarette, alcohol, and drug abuse in boy teenagers with and without drug abuse background.
The methodology of this research was case- control study and analytical which was conducted on the boy teenagers who abuse cigarette, alcohol, and drugs and dwelled in correction and rehabilitation center of Ahvaz and non-abusing teenagers. Data was collected using demographic information form and standard inventory including global appraisal of individual needs- short screener (GAIN-SS), youth self-report scale (YSR) of children behavioral problems, and strength and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) of self-reporting study of children and teenagers. The findings of this study were analyzed using SPSS software.

There is a significant relationship between hyperactivity problems with a defect in attention and behavior disorders in teenagers with drug abuse.
Result of this research showed the relationship between mental disorders background in the child involved in abusing smoking, alcohol, and drugs.


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Farahnaz Amirloo, MA of Clinical Psychology

MA of Clinical Psychology

Javad Alaghebandrad, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Faculty Member of Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Gholamreza Garmarudi, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Faculty Member of Tehran University of Medical Sciences


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Comment citer

Amirloo, F., Alaghebandrad, J., & Garmarudi, G. (2018). The relationship between psychopathology by abusing smoking, alcohol, and drugs in boy teenagers of Ahvaz city. Amazonia Investiga, 7(12), 45–53. Consulté à l’adresse


