Ontology of the nanoworld: system approach and the concept of evolutionism


  • Mikhail V. Beilin Belgorod National Research University Russia
  • Lidiia M. Gazniuk Belgorod National Research University Russia
  • Andrei V. Kuznetsov Belgorod National Research University Russia
  • Tamara I. Lipich Belgorod National Research University Russia
  • Sergey V. Reznik Belgorod National Research University Russia

Mots-clés :

Nanotechnology, existence of the Universum, technoscience, world picture, self-regulating and self-developing system, NBIC-tetrahedron, system approach, evolutionism.


The article deals with the ontological subsystem of the philosophical foundations of the corresponding picture of the world, defining the typical understanding of the world as a unity in a variety of properties and relations typical of a particular historical period on the basis of appropriate philosophical interpretation of such categories as matter, motion, space and time, necessary and accidental, possible and real, and other categories, attracted from the classical philosophical heritage and non-classical philosophical teachings. The author points out an important event in the development of the system approach was the publication by Immanuel Kant in 1755 of the work "Universal Natural History and Theory of the Sky." The article describes the fundamental achievement which is the development of the so-called "physics of arising" that reads to express the principle ("From the existing to the emerging) in such a way: the evolutionary paradigm is expanded and elevated to the rank of the basis of all the processes entering according to the second law of thermodynamics. It is established modern holism synthesizes evolutionism, brought to the idea of self-development, with a systemic approach, in which ”zone of responsibility” not only isolated but open complex systems fall into. It is stated the support of nanotechnology and the NBI? tetrahedron as a whole, that is, the NBIC-initiative, is also a complex of self-organizing and self-developing system.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Mikhail V. Beilin, Belgorod National Research University Russia

Belgorod National Research University Russia

Lidiia M. Gazniuk, Belgorod National Research University Russia

Belgorod National Research University Russia

Andrei V. Kuznetsov, Belgorod National Research University Russia

Belgorod National Research University Russia

Tamara I. Lipich, Belgorod National Research University Russia

Belgorod National Research University Russia

Sergey V. Reznik, Belgorod National Research University Russia

Belgorod National Research University Russia


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Comment citer

Beilin, M. V., Gazniuk, L. M., Kuznetsov, A. V., Lipich, T. I., & Reznik, S. V. (2018). Ontology of the nanoworld: system approach and the concept of evolutionism. Amazonia Investiga, 7(13), 50–57. Consulté à l’adresse https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/493


