Migratory crisis in the European Union: origin, characteristics and measures for countering it


  • Andrey V. Rybakov Department of Philosophy, MAI (NRU), Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Russia, Moscow
  • Daniil A. Kvon Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Russia, Moscow

Mots-clés :

European Union, migratory crisis, migratory policy, refugees.


The present paper studies the mass and uncontrollable streams of migrants into the European Union (EU) starting from 2014. In scientific and public discourse, this phenomenon was called the “migratory crisis”. The paper analyzes the causes of forced migration from Africa and the Middle East, which is characterized both by national and global problems. The authors reveal the ambiguous position of EU member states with respect to the illegal migration and identify two basic approaches, which were formed in the course of political discussions concerning this crisis in the context of EU safety. In particular, the research shows the changes in the content of threats to the EU member states, caused by the uncontrollable migration in the recent decades. The article presents a survey of the fundamental characteristics of migratory crisis, the measures developed by the EU structures for its overcoming and the results of their implementation.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Andrey V. Rybakov, Department of Philosophy, MAI (NRU), Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Russia, Moscow

Professor, Department of Philosophy, MAI (NRU), Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Russia, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway

Daniil A. Kvon, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Russia, Moscow

Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Russia, Moscow


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Comment citer

Rybakov, A. V., & Kvon, D. A. (2019). Migratory crisis in the European Union: origin, characteristics and measures for countering it. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 14–22. Consulté à l’adresse https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/43


