Compar?son of new med?a concept w?th trad?t?onal med?a. Percept?on of commun?cat?on students


  • Mustafa Ufuk ÇELİK Faculty of Communication, Near East University, Turkey.
  • Sinem KASIMOĞLU Faculty of Communication, Near East University, Turkey.

Mots-clés :

New Media, Traditional Media, New Media Perception, Comparison


The rapid spread of the Internet and having a great deal of power in the living spaces of individuals have also caused some common practices in the world of communication to change. Although this change seems to have diminished the importance of the classical media, it is seen that the developments in the new media need to be confirmed in the traditional media. In this article, which aims to compare the new media with the traditional media understanding and examine the perception of communication faculty students, new media and traditional (classical) media understanding are defined and the importance given to both concepts is revealed. In this context, it has been observed that when the main criteria and perceptions of classical media and of the new media which have just started to be recognized are defined, the fundamental differences that separate them from each other and some similarities are starting to be clearly determined. In this study, "Focus Group Interview Method" was used as part of Qualitative Research Methods. According to Powel et al., Focus Group Interview is defined as: “A group of people selected by the researcher and brought together to debate and discuss about the problem that is being investigated, based on their own experiences.” (Gibbs, 1997). Within this context, a group interview was held with the students of the communication faculty, especially senior students who were interested in social and new media. Open-ended questions were asked by the researchers to the group members. The study took place in a social environment where the participants could freely express their opinions. As a result; the views of YDU Communication Faculty students can be summarized as follows. Considering the common, asynchronous and non-massifying features, it is not surprising that the short-lived, sudden but quickly consumed news and messages of new media platforms are spreading at a rapid pace. On the contrary, classical media where the criteria of cogency, efficacy and factuality are at a higher level and where the verification of all news pieces requiring confirmation is performed still maintains its weight and presence today.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Mustafa Ufuk ÇELİK, Faculty of Communication, Near East University, Turkey.

Faculty of Communication, Near East University, Via Mersin 10, Nicosia, TRNC, Turkey

Sinem KASIMOĞLU, Faculty of Communication, Near East University, Turkey.

Faculty of Communication, Near East University, Via Mersin 10, Nicosia, TRNC, Turkey


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Comment citer

ÇELİK, M. U., & KASIMOĞLU, S. (2018). Compar?son of new med?a concept w?th trad?t?onal med?a. Percept?on of commun?cat?on students. Amazonia Investiga, 7(16), 254–260. Consulté à l’adresse


