The structural and spiritual influence of music on art


  • Mustafa Hastürk Near East University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design

Mots-clés :

Art, spiritual, abstract, painting, music


Music as one of the most abstract forms of art and most appealing to the soul has influenced the art of painting in general and specifically abstract painting that is manifested in the works of numerous painters. At times, artists have primarily employed rationality in the foreground of their perception and tended to take nature as the basis of their work. At other times, emotionality became more prominent where artists still looked at nature but acted upon signs from their memory set. In this respect, music becomes a factor by affecting the soul in creating what is spiritual. Many artists have been influenced by music in the creation of their works. Despite having different disciplines, music and painting that employ similar instruments when translated into feelings transform into a more abstract version. When reaching the abstract in painting, the most abstract form of art that is music ultimately has substantial importance. In this article, the structural influence of music on the painting is explicitly studied through the works of Paul Klee, and the spiritual effect of music on painting through the study of Wassily Kandinsky’s works are examined. Music's influence on the discipline is vast, and most artists have been influenced spiritually or structurally by it which finds representation in art and painting.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Mustafa Hastürk, Near East University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design

Near East University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design


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Comment citer

Hastürk, M. (2018). The structural and spiritual influence of music on art. Amazonia Investiga, 7(16), 111–117. Consulté à l’adresse


