Learning the english language in terms of out-of-class activity


  • Aygul Z. Ibatova Tyumen Industrial University, Russia

Mots-clés :

: Independent work, Out-of-class activity, foreign language learner


In this study, we aim to identify the various activities of non-class students, which, as independent work, helps student autonomy and makes learning more optimal. The research was conducted on the basis of the Branch of Tyumen Industrial University in Surgut, Elabuga Pedagogical University and Shadrinsk Pedagogical University, 120 students participated (from the first to the fourth year). We used from questionnaire of Littlewood and Lui (1996). Descriptive-survey method and library research method are used in this study. Result of this study showed, students in this study suggested practical reasons for not conducting activities involving face-to-face interaction, the actual reasons for their avoidance may have been more complex and involved both individual and social/political factors. These students used a variety of activities and learning strategies and had a good relationship with English in their private domain. While this study has focused on only one group of learners, it has implications which extend beyond this specific context, since it highlights the importance of considering not just opportunities for learning, but also students’ attitudes and society’s attitudes. These factors may inhibit or facilitate the taking up of specific learning activities in the second language. English is learnt in a variety of contexts and the meanings attached to using English outside the classroom vary within these contexts.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Aygul Z. Ibatova, Tyumen Industrial University, Russia

Tyumen Industrial University, Russia


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Comment citer

Ibatova, A. Z. (2019). Learning the english language in terms of out-of-class activity. Amazonia Investiga, 8(18), 296–302. Consulté à l’adresse https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/311


