Semantic field as a reflection of linguistic worldview (as exemplified by the field "Reindeer" in the Kildin Saami language)


  • Olga Nikolaevna Ivanishcheva Murmansk Arctic State University, Kapitana Egorova Street, Murmansk, Russia
  • Elena Evgenievna Kotsova Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Tatyana Alexandrovna Sidorova Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Natalia Sergeevna Bolgova Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Elena Vladimirovna Bodnaruk Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Mots-clés :

Linguistic worldview; semantic field; the Kildin Saami language.


The article aims to present the semantic field "Reindeer" in the Kildin Saami language. This study is based on the hypothesis about unique anthropocentricity of such an endangered Finno-Ugric language as Saami and its close connection with prelogical thinking, which is associated with the original presentation of people as a part of nature in the Saami culture. The material is analyzed according to the "Nature – Human being" thesaurus scheme. The authors have proved that the allocation of meanings and formation of a separate word are directly related to the importance of any given object, attribute or action for practical human activities in the Kildin Saami language. One of the study objectives is to compare the semantic field in languages of indigenous minorities living in Northern Russia using available lexicographical sources. A comparative analysis has demonstrated that the Kildin Saami language has less color-related nominations of reindeer than languages of other northern peoples engaged in reindeer herding.

The semantic field in the language of northern indigenous peoples is specific due to particular relationships of this ethnos with nature. The analysis of opposing relationships in the semantic filed "Reindeer" in the Kildin Saami language reveals some lexical gaps and enables to determine a set of differential features. The material under study presents such types of oppositions as equipollent, privative and gradual.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Olga Nikolaevna Ivanishcheva, Murmansk Arctic State University, Kapitana Egorova Street, Murmansk, Russia

Murmansk Arctic State University, Kapitana Egorova Street, Murmansk, Russia

Elena Evgenievna Kotsova, Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Tatyana Alexandrovna Sidorova, Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Natalia Sergeevna Bolgova, Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Elena Vladimirovna Bodnaruk, Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Northem (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Embankment, Arkhangelsk, Russia


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Comment citer

Ivanishcheva, O. N., Kotsova, E. E., Sidorova, T. A., Bolgova, N. S., & Bodnaruk, E. V. (2019). Semantic field as a reflection of linguistic worldview (as exemplified by the field "Reindeer" in the Kildin Saami language). Amazonia Investiga, 8(19), 164–172. Consulté à l’adresse


