Issues of international cooperation in criminal proceedings: Some problems of reform



Mots-clés :

criminal procedure, organized crime, international cooperation, criminal justice, reform.


It is studied  reforming’s problems of the teamwork between countries in the field of criminal justice. The fundamental principles on which the teamwork of countries in the struggle with transnational crime is built, both generally accepted and enshrined in the lawmaking of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the principles that were studied in the works of foreign scientists, were analyzed. After analyzing these principles, the authors identified problematic aspects of the existing teamwork between the efforts of countries in the area of resisting transnational crime, suggested possible ways to solve them.  Separately, the authors of the article studied and analyzed the problem of reforming legislation in the sphere of the teamwork of countries in the area of resisting transnational crime at different levels, taking into account the latest global trends in the area of resisting transnational crime. It is defined that the Republic of Azerbaijan is a democratic state in the sphere of the teamwork of countries in the area of resisting multinational crime. An analysis was made of the cause-and-effect relationships between globalization and digitalization of the world community, and crime without borders, their impact in the aggregate on the international teamwork of countries in this area.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Matanat Pasha Asgarova, Academy of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan H. Zardabi 192, Republic of Azerbaijan.

Associate Professor Jurisprudence The Academy of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan H. Zardabi 192, Republic of Azerbaijan.


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Comment citer

Asgarova, M. P. (2022). Issues of international cooperation in criminal proceedings: Some problems of reform. Amazonia Investiga, 11(52), 186–194.


