Tools for Assessing the Role of Regional Authorities in the Development of Municipalities


  • Venera Maratovna Timiryanova Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Russian Federation.
  • Kasim Nazifovich Yusupov Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Russian Federation.
  • Azat Vazirovich Yangirov Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Institute of strategic research of Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
  • Irina Aleksandrovna Lakman Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian Federation

Mots-clés :

Multi-level governance, regional economy, geographic variance, hierarchy of administration, production output, municipalities


The aim of the study is to identify tools to assess the role of regional authorities in the development of municipalities. Methods. The paper analyzes the influence of federal, regional, and municipal levels of the state government hierarchy on the formation of own-made goods shipped, own works and services performed per capita volumes. The assessment of the indicator ‘s variability in the context of hierarchy levels bases on variational analysis. The study was conducted in the context of 344 municipalities (7 regions of two federal district). The analysis showed in most regions a low influence at the level of regional authorities on the variation of municipalities ‘values. Results. In all regions, except for the Republic of Bashkortostan, there is a low influence of the regional governance level on the variation of the values of municipalities. In Bashkortostan, the contribution of the region as a whole is negative and it determines almost a third of the entire variation in the values of the development index of municipalities. In the Perm Region and Tatarstan, the effect of the region in absolute figures is significant, but given its low share (about 5% of the total variation), the total variation is determined by the municipalities themselves. Conclusions. In the context of municipal districts, there is a high variation in the value of the indicator in question. At the same time, the role of regional authorities is not always positive, which creates the need for a differentiated approach when assessing and developing regional policies. The analysis showed in most regions a low influence at the level of regional authorities on the variation of values of municipalities. Even less influence is rendered by authorities at the level of federal districts.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Venera Maratovna Timiryanova, Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Russian Federation.

(Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant professor) Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Russian Federation.

Kasim Nazifovich Yusupov, Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Russian Federation.

(Doctor of Economics, Professor) Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Russian Federation.

Azat Vazirovich Yangirov, Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Institute of strategic research of Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation

(Doctor of Economics, Professor) Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Institute of strategic research of Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation

Irina Aleksandrovna Lakman, Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian Federation

(Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant professor). Department of Macroeconomic Development and Public Administration, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of Bashkir State University, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russian Federation


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Comment citer

Timiryanova, V. M., Yusupov, K. N., Yangirov, A. V., & Lakman, I. A. (2019). Tools for Assessing the Role of Regional Authorities in the Development of Municipalities. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 307–320. Consulté à l’adresse


