The role of fairy tale publications in children's reading circle



Palabras clave:

fairy tales, publications, publishing houses, libraries, children, reading, culture, translations, tactile books.


In the article, using the example of editions of Ch. Perrault examines the peculiarities of publishing fairy tales for children as an indicator of the refraction of the traditional concept of children's books in tsarist Russia and changes in publishing policy in connection with the formation of new pedagogical and literary and artistic trends. The study is based on scientific methods, such as observation, bibliographic heuristics, historiographic, comparative-historical analysis. Editions of fairy tales by Sh. Perrault, as an object of research, is considered in the historical development of Soviet book publishing, which acted under the influence of ideological factors and social conditions that determined the subject matter, types of publications, their translations and design. The features of the stages of development of children's book publishing are characterized from the point of view of pedagogical and publishing priorities, the competencies of translators and artists, indirectly influencing printing resources. The subject area of the study includes modern editions of fairy tales by Sh. Perrault in the form of separate and special issues addressed to children with different reading abilities and aesthetic perception. The history of the publication of Charles Perrault's fairy tales is analyzed as a new type of publication that correspond to general political attitudes that make them legitimate for the perception of a children's reader. The article highlights the publications characteristic of each stage, which have developed under the influence of discussions about the combination of traditional and innovative views on the functions of a children's book: from edifying and moralizing to soviet propaganda and modern cultural and educational.


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Biografía del autor/a

Maria Ivanovna Kitsanu, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation.

Teacher, postgraduate student of the "Publishing and Bibliology" department at the Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation.

Tatyana Georgievna Kupriyanova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the "Publishing and Bibliology" department at the Moscow Polytechnic University; Chief Researcher of the FGBU science Scientific and Publishing Center "Science" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation.

Irina Lvovna Shurygina, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the "Publishing and Bibliology" department at the Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation.

Larisa Boleslavovna Solovey, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Project Activity Center of Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian Federation.


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Cómo citar

Kitsanu, M. I., Kupriyanova, T. G., Shurygina, I. L., & Solovey, L. B. (2024). The role of fairy tale publications in children’s reading circle. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 106–112.


