Scientific Text Semantic Structure Modeling


  • Elena Bazhenova Perm state national research University
  • Larisa Tihomirova Perm state national research University.
  • Larisa Kyrkunova Perm state national research University
  • Natalya Danilevskaya Perm state national research University.
  • Tatyana Кarpova Perm state national research University


The stylistics of scientific speech, scientific text, epistemic situation, new knowledge, old knowledge, scientific text model, subtext.


Authors proposed and substantiated the model of polytextual structural organization for a scientific text, taking into account its dependence on the content of the scientist's cognitive activity. The model is based on the concept of an epistemic situation in the unity of four aspects of knowledge: ontological, methodological, reflexive, and communicative-pragmatic. The concept of subtext is introduced as a structural-semantic unit of a scientific text. They considered the content of subtext new and old knowledge, evaluation, authorization, etc.


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Author Biographies

Elena Bazhenova, Perm state national research University

Perm state national research University

Larisa Tihomirova, Perm state national research University.

Perm state national research University.

Larisa Kyrkunova, Perm state national research University

Perm state national research University

Natalya Danilevskaya, Perm state national research University.

Perm state national research University.

Tatyana Кarpova, Perm state national research University

Perm state national research University


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How to Cite

Bazhenova, E., Tihomirova, L., Kyrkunova, L., Danilevskaya, N., & Кarpova T. (2019). Scientific Text Semantic Structure Modeling. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 163–167. Retrieved from


