The processes of reading and writing in children Cycle II. South College Saludcoop


  • Elisabel Sánchez Vera Universidad Libre. Bogotá.


Diagnostic read / write; Test diagnostic; Alternative proposal; Teacher role; Student role


The processes of reading and writing, are relevant in the education of a student. The aim of this article is to present information diagnosed identified in tests of reading and writing with children in cycle II. Saludcoop College South of Bogota. This research was developed through the research methodology action with the fourth graders from an educational institution in Bogota. A diagnostic reading input test was applied and writing previously validated, were tabulated and analyzed the data to present an alternative proposal based on the various contributions of psychological and pedagogical theories. Results: there are difficulties in the processes of reading and writing; classroom emphasis on verbal teaching mode. There are difficulties in the dimensions: motor (writing) and cognitive (reading). Conclusion: to overcome the shortcomings detected in the diagnosis is required to propose methodologies that attractive and conducive to development at the early age of inherent to the processes of reading and writing capabilities and promote the change of roles of teachers and students based on the contributions of different theories.


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Author Biography

Elisabel Sánchez Vera, Universidad Libre. Bogotá.

Estudiante de la Maestria en Ciencias de la Educacion. Universidad Libre. Bogotá.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Vera, E. (2016). The processes of reading and writing in children Cycle II. South College Saludcoop. Amazonia Investiga, 5(8), 51–57. Retrieved from


