Information aspects of «hybrid war» in the syrian conflict and their influence on positions of participants of confrontation


  • Timur Z. Mansurov Kazan Federal University, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications
  • Artyom V. Krylov Kazan Federal University, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications


Syria, information-psychological confrontation,


The purpose of this study is to identify the special aspects of the information-psychological conflict between the parties to the conflict as a "hybrid war" element. The article deals with the content and scope of the information-psychological confrontation, carried out by both the main and indirect participants of the Syrian conflict. The degree of influence of the Syrian conflict on the positions, actions and methods of achieving the goals of the parties to the conflict is analyzed in this work. The methods of information influence, the possibility of their application and effectiveness in the conditions of changes in the positions of the parties to the conflict are shown in the research.
Special attention is paid to the role of regional states (Saudi, Arabia, Qatar) and Western countries (primarily the United States of America) in the information campaign in Syria, the media they use as part of a "hybrid war" to defend their interests and the interests of the oppositional groups they support. The article considers the features of the influence of information war on the positions of participants and their changes after the Russian Federation intervention in the conflict, which has become the object of a powerful information confrontation.
To analyze the problem a structural-functional approach as well as a comparative method and case study were used. 

As a result of the conducted research the authors came to the conclusion that the influence of the "hybrid war" in the aspect of information-psychological confrontation on the positions of the parties to the conflict, their actions against each other, methods and ways of defending their own interests can not be questioned.

Moreover the individual elements of the information war used by both the main and indirect participants in the Syrian confrontation or their combination significantly complicate the processes of political settlement of the conflict, because under their influence the positions of the parties that are able to stop the bloodshed become diametrically opposed or completely antagonistic.


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Author Biographies

Timur Z. Mansurov, Kazan Federal University, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications

Kazan Federal University, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications

Artyom V. Krylov, Kazan Federal University, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications

Kazan Federal University, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications


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How to Cite

Mansurov, T. Z., & Krylov, A. V. (2018). Information aspects of «hybrid war» in the syrian conflict and their influence on positions of participants of confrontation. Amazonia Investiga, 7(14), 375–380. Retrieved from


