History of developm ent of terrorism, case criminology of the fourth wave


  • Mohammadreza Jalali Department of Criminal Law and Criminology,Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran


Religious terrorism, causes, Neoterrorism, prevention, religion


According to studies, global terrorism seen four periods, each based on its own set of political relations. This paper examines the factors and analyzes the relationship between religion-based ideologies in terrorism, crime, because of achieving prevention strategies by understanding the causes of its occurrence. In other words, the authors explain in the areas of influence of the religious motives of another form of terrorism. Today's motive only, in his mid-term well-known international crime, show as one of the leading wave with this new feature, distinguishing itself from the previous three periods. Investigating what caused this behavior characterized by secularism and the separation of religion from politics, today flavor to god somewhere that killing the innocent in order to please God done. At the end of this kind of terrorism prevention strategies and new theories proposed to provide security, psychology and criminology are followed.


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Author Biography

Mohammadreza Jalali, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology,Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran

PhD student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology,Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran


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How to Cite

Jalali, M. (2018). History of developm ent of terrorism, case criminology of the fourth wave. Amazonia Investiga, 7(14), 179–186. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/504


