Analysis of russian medium-size enterprises in the context of federal districts and major municipalities


  • O. B. Zilberstein The FSBEIHE «RSUJ» Department of Economics Moscow
  • T. L. Shklyar Russian University of Economics them. G.In.Plekhanov, Moscow
  • S. A. Avtonomova Russian University of Economics them. G.In.Plekhanov, Moscow
  • M. G. Shilina Russian University of Economics them. G.In. Plekhanov, Moscow


Business in Russia, medium-sized business dynamics, medium-sized business structure, main indicators of medium-sized businesses, Russia, federal districts, Moscow, St. Petersburg, medium-sized business map.


The article examines the trends in the number of medium-sized enterprises in Russia, in the context of federal districts and major municipalities. Detailed information is provided on the number and dynamics of medium-sized enterprises in Russia by federal districts and the largest municipalities for the period from 2008 to 2017. The indicators of the number of employees, labor efficiency and revenues of medium-sized businesses are considered. Developed by the authors and presented in the article, the map of medium-sized businesses allows you to make both management decisions to state and municipal authorities, and make investment decisions.


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Author Biographies

O. B. Zilberstein, The FSBEIHE «RSUJ» Department of Economics Moscow

The FSBEIHE «RSUJ», Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Department of Economics Moscow

T. L. Shklyar, Russian University of Economics them. G.In.Plekhanov, Moscow

candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor of Advertising, public relations and design «Russian University of Economics them. G.In.Plekhanov», Moscow

S. A. Avtonomova, Russian University of Economics them. G.In.Plekhanov, Moscow

Candidate of Sociology,«Russian University of Economics them. G.In.Plekhanov», Moscow

M. G. Shilina, Russian University of Economics them. G.In. Plekhanov, Moscow

Professor, D Sc in Phylology (Journalism)«Russian University of Economics them. G.In. Plekhanov»,


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How to Cite

Zilberstein, O. B., Shklyar, T. L., Avtonomova, S. A., & Shilina, M. G. (2018). Analysis of russian medium-size enterprises in the context of federal districts and major municipalities. Amazonia Investiga, 7(14), 128–138. Retrieved from


