Organizational convergence as the trend of modern mass media development


  • Maria Yu. Kazak Belgorod State University Russia
  • Irina I. Karpenko Belgorod State University Russia
  • Aleksandr P. Korochenskiy Belgorod State University Russia
  • Andrey V. Polonskiy Belgorod State University Russia
  • Yan I. Tyazhlov Belgorod State University Russia
  • Svetlana V. Ushakova Belgorod State University Russia


Convergence, organizational convergence, structural convergence, types of convergence, fusion of mass media, mass media, journalism, media economics, media holding, media corporation.


Convergence is ? key problem of modern mass media development. It mediates changes in content policy, media products distribution, and economic activity of media. Organizational convergence is one of the types of this phenomenon. It acts to make structural changes both in the media market and within a certain media. The purpose of such changes is to expand the influence of the media on the media market, to reduce the cost of its maintenance and development, and to expand social audience by transmedia distributing of the content. The article is devoted to the problems of understanding the phenomenon of organizational convergence as one of the types of convergence in the modern media environment. It also studies the main ways of building new forms of media organization.


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Author Biographies

Maria Yu. Kazak, Belgorod State University Russia

Belgorod State University Russia

Irina I. Karpenko, Belgorod State University Russia

Belgorod State University Russia

Aleksandr P. Korochenskiy, Belgorod State University Russia

Belgorod State University Russia

Andrey V. Polonskiy, Belgorod State University Russia

Belgorod State University Russia

Yan I. Tyazhlov, Belgorod State University Russia

Belgorod State University Russia

Svetlana V. Ushakova, Belgorod State University Russia

Belgorod State University Russia


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How to Cite

Kazak, M. Y., Karpenko, I. I., Korochenskiy, A. P., Polonskiy, A. V., Tyazhlov, Y. I., & Ushakova, S. V. (2018). Organizational convergence as the trend of modern mass media development. Amazonia Investiga, 7(14), 112–118. Retrieved from


