Freedom of speech in constitutional binds of eastern European countries


  • Valeriya V. Gelunenko Belgorod State University, 85 Pobeda Street, Belgorod, 308015, Russia
  • Marina V. Markhgeym Belgorod State University, 85 Pobeda Street, Belgorod, 308015, Russia
  • Azamat M. Shadzhe Adyghe state University, 208, Pervomayskaya str., Maikop, 385000, Russia
  • Lyudmila A. Tkhabisimova Pyatigorsk state University, 9, Kalinin Ave, Stavropol region, Pyatigorsk, 357532, Russia
  • Elnur E. Veliev State University of management, 99 Ryazanskiy Prospekt, Moscow, 109542, Russia


Constitution, personal rights and freedoms, political rights and freedoms, freedom of speech, expression of opinions, expression of beliefs, expression of views, public expression of thought, right to access information, censorship.


This article discusses the constitutional enshrining versions of freedom of speech in Eastern European countries. Being reflected in all constitutions of this group of countries, freedom of speech received lexical interfacing with other freedoms or with ways of their realization. The systematization of constitutional articulation variants of freedom of speech allowed us to identify two fundamental approaches: securing freedom of speech and detailing it. In the considered constitutions, the formulation of “freedom of speech” is typical, which is complemented by freedom of expression of “opinion”, “conviction”, “one's own views”, “thought”, “thinking and thought”, and disseminating “ideas, opinions, beliefs, information”. It was revealed that in a number of constitutions, the freedom of speech is articulated through law, which creates the conditions for its excessive regulation. “Everyone” traditionally act as the constitutional addresses the freedom of speech.


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Author Biographies

Valeriya V. Gelunenko, Belgorod State University, 85 Pobeda Street, Belgorod, 308015, Russia

Belgorod State University, 85 Pobeda Street, Belgorod, 308015, Russia

Marina V. Markhgeym, Belgorod State University, 85 Pobeda Street, Belgorod, 308015, Russia

Belgorod State University, 85 Pobeda Street, Belgorod, 308015, Russia

Azamat M. Shadzhe, Adyghe state University, 208, Pervomayskaya str., Maikop, 385000, Russia

Adyghe state University, 208, Pervomayskaya str., Maikop, 385000, Russia

Lyudmila A. Tkhabisimova, Pyatigorsk state University, 9, Kalinin Ave, Stavropol region, Pyatigorsk, 357532, Russia

Pyatigorsk state University, 9, Kalinin Ave, Stavropol region, Pyatigorsk, 357532, Russia

Elnur E. Veliev, State University of management, 99 Ryazanskiy Prospekt, Moscow, 109542, Russia

State University of management, 99 Ryazanskiy Prospekt, Moscow, 109542, Russia


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Constitutions of Albania Site. URL:

Bulgarian Constitutions. Site. URL:

Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Site. URL:

Constitution of Hungary. Site. URL:

Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus. Site. URL:

Latvian Constitution. Site. URL: ttps://

Lithuanian Constitution. Site. URL:

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Constitution of the Republic of Slovakia (URS). Site. URL:

Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. Site. URL:

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How to Cite

Gelunenko, V. V., Markhgeym, M. V., Shadzhe, A. M., Tkhabisimova, L. A., & Veliev, E. E. (2019). Freedom of speech in constitutional binds of eastern European countries. Amazonia Investiga, 8(19), 403–407. Retrieved from


