The formation processes of teachers in service as a factor of institutional improvement


  • Marisol Cuy Herrera Secretaria de Educación de Bogotá – Colombia.


Teacher professional development, teacher training, teacher in-service training, communities of practice and learning.


In recent decades education has become a key issue of discussion in various fields have been analyzed the factors that influence the quality of education, finding that teachers have a major role in this issue. From this perspective the importance of the teacher in the development of educational practices that meet today's challenges and contribute to the improvement of the subject, the educational institution and therefore to society is evident. So, analyze the processes within the institution are related to the professional development of new teachers or exercise, it involves an implicit awareness and reflection on the role of the school in the permanent qualification of the teacher and the transformation of the classroom purpose. In this sense, it is required that the school re mean its conventional role of a hierarchical organizational structure and start being revitalizing teaching practices, thus strengthening the teaching profession, through support and training, and giving teachers the possibility to improve their practices in light of the Institutional Educational Project and improvement plans aimed at development of human talent. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics that must have teacher training from the needs felt by the group of teachers, the theoretical support, formulation and collective construction of a new teaching strategy that allows teachers the appropriation of PEI, through pedagogical reflections that promote adaptation to permanent change of curriculum, teaching, assessment processes, research and institutional management.


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Author Biography

Marisol Cuy Herrera, Secretaria de Educación de Bogotá – Colombia.

Directivo- Docente Secretaria de Educación de Bogotá – Colombia. Magister en Educación


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How to Cite

Cuy Herrera, M. (2016). The formation processes of teachers in service as a factor of institutional improvement. Amazonia Investiga, 5(9), 66–81. Retrieved from


