Development of creative activity of students- designers method of metaphorical associative cards (Mac)


  • Irina M. Mayorova Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.
  • Кlara K. Karamova Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.
  • Gulnaz H. Myhtarova Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy
  • Rеzeda A. Fahrutdinova Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.
  • Adnan M. Hakki Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.


creative activity, artistic and project activity, metaphorical associative cards, methods, evaluation criteria


The article presents the results of a study of the development of creative activity of students- designers in the artistic and project activities using the method of metaphorical associative cards.
Creative activity is considered as a personal feature (set of properties and qualities of a person), its orientation and readiness for the implementation of artistic and project activities. The development of creative activity is conditioned by the necessity of forming the individual's need for creative activity, which will become the student's personal quality.
To diagnose the development of creative activity, we offered a method of metaphorical associative cards.
The works of artists, natural phenomena, and textures are offered as the metaphorical cards. Based on the selected cards, the students make the training tasks.

As a result of a comparative analysis of the diagnosis of the zero and control stages of the creative works of the experimental group, we obtained quantitative and qualitative data that comprehensively characterize the level of development of creative activity of students in accordance with the criteria we have singled out. The reliability of the evaluation of obtained results was determined with the help of mathematical and static processing of the obtained data.
To determine the effectiveness of this method, we used the questionnaires made by such authors as M. I. Rozhkova and L.V. Mishchenko, comparative analysis and observation methods. The criteria were determined as the need for mastering and acquiring new knowledge; the conceptual design - the use of expressive means in the composition solution.


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Author Biographies

Irina M. Mayorova, Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.

Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy

Кlara K. Karamova, Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.

Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy

Gulnaz H. Myhtarova, Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy

Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy

Rеzeda A. Fahrutdinova, Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.

Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.

Adnan M. Hakki, Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.

Kazan Federal University Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication L. Tolstoy, Rusia.


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How to Cite

Mayorova, I. M., Karamova К. K., Myhtarova, G. H., Fahrutdinova, R. A., & Hakki, A. M. (2018). Development of creative activity of students- designers method of metaphorical associative cards (Mac). Amazonia Investiga, 7(12), 279–286. Retrieved from


