The problem of setting educational goals: from Socrates to b. Bloom


  • Valentina E. Musina Belgorod State University,Russia
  • Andrey P. Peresypkin Belgorod State University,Russia
  • Galina V. Makotrova Belgorod State University,Russia
  • Irina A. Shumakova Belgorod State University,Russia
  • Natalia L. Shekhovskaya Belgorod State University,Russia


Educational goals, the problem of setting educational goals, methodological approaches, research methods, international significance of the


This article is devoted to the problem of defining educational goals. The authors singled out the methodological foundations of the problem of setting goals in education, describes the key approaches to its solution, shows the essence and logic of the socially conditioned process of changing educational goals in the historical and pedagogical process, outlines the main stages in the development of the problem of setting goals in the field of education. A retrospective analysis of the development of the problem in domestic and foreign pedagogy was carried out. The choice of personalities is due to the role of Socrates and B. Bloom in the development of the problem: Socrates was the first philosopher of antiquity to raise the problem of setting goals as an educational ideal. B.Bloom for the first time in the history of pedagogy has developed "taxonomy of educational goals" as an innovative system for specifying educational goals. The influence of Bloom's taxonomy on the development of education in the world and the course of modern educational reforms in Russia are shown.


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Author Biographies

Valentina E. Musina, Belgorod State University,Russia

Belgorod State University,Russia

Andrey P. Peresypkin, Belgorod State University,Russia

Belgorod State University,Russia

Galina V. Makotrova, Belgorod State University,Russia

Belgorod State University,Russia

Irina A. Shumakova, Belgorod State University,Russia

Belgorod State University,Russia

Natalia L. Shekhovskaya, Belgorod State University,Russia

Belgorod State University,Russia


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How to Cite

Musina, V. E., Peresypkin, A. P., Makotrova, G. V., Shumakova, I. A., & Shekhovskaya, N. L. (2018). The problem of setting educational goals: from Socrates to b. Bloom. Amazonia Investiga, 7(14), 119–127. Retrieved from


