Russian translation reception of Wordsworth’s ballad “We are seven”


  • Dmitry N. Zhatkin Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation
  • Anna A. Ryabova Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation


Wordsworth, Russian-English literary relations, poetry, ballad, literary translation, reception, tradition, cross-cultural communication


The article is devoted to comprehension of Russian translation reception of William Wordsworth’s ballad “We are Seven” (1798). It introduces the prose translation of this work made by V.N.Semyonov in 1831 for research use. It presents a comparative analysis of the early Russian poetic translations of this ballad created by I.I.Kozlov (1832), E.K. <E.F.Korsh> (1835), Ya.K.Grot (1842) and of the newest translation by I.S.Melamed (1996). Noting the general aspiration to adapt the work of the English author to Russian reality, the authors of the article, however, conclude that only I.I.Kozlov, the only of the early Russian translators, succeeded in transferring the internal atmosphere of the English original most fully. Whereas V.N.Semyonov’s prosaic interpretation contains semantic inaccuracies, E.F.Korsh’s translation is characterized with randomly added literary details alien to the spirit of the original, K.Ya.Grot’s translation oriented on children’s audience has typical lexical and grammatical means. I.S.Melamed’s translation created one and a half centuries after interpretations of predecessors, taking into account qualitatively different requirements to literary translation, can be hardly compared with the translations of the 1830-s – 1840-s directly. At the same time, it belongs to the number of literary triumphs of I.S.Melamed who managed to be exact both in recreation of literary details and preservation of the general emotional background of the original.


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Author Biographies

Dmitry N. Zhatkin, Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation

Department of Translation and Methods of Translation, Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federationn

Anna A. Ryabova, Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation

Department of Translation and Methods of Translation, Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Zhatkin, D. N., & Ryabova, A. A. (2019). Russian translation reception of Wordsworth’s ballad “We are seven”. Amazonia Investiga, 8(19), 529–539. Retrieved from


