Poetic understanding as the initial input of being-in-the-world


  • I. Yu. Soina Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture
  • Yu. A. Semenova Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture
  • G. N. Goncharov Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture
  • N. Yu. Petrusenko Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture
  • N. A. Kambur Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture
  • S. Ph. Chervona Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture


poetic phenomenon, language, facet of the above, relativity of literary and anthropological, fundamental ontology, figure of the Other, voice of being, poetic understanding, poetry.


Comprehension of modern poetic phenomena is based on Heidegger’s fundamental ontology and Gadamer's hermeneutics. The rhythm of poetry cuts through the inner space of a thing, as agitated movements cut through the air, and almost every poetic line exists in its own special inclination, which makes the poems become voluminous. The composition of words in poetry is shifted and relabeled as if over tightened by a single rhythmic impulse, which also changes the state of literature. The initial occurrence of being-in-the-world through poetic understanding – these are the word-whistlers and word-spells from which verses are created, can be formed (and are added) into meaningful phrases, but their nature remains the same: mental and impulsive, in fact, pre-speech. According to Heidegger, Poetry is regarded as the initial mode of realization of the language. The essence of language – speech – permeates all existentials (being-preunderstanding, mood), in its original mode, speech is revealed in the self-pronunciation of being-in-the-world, that is, in finding the word-in-being-in-the-world. Since the pronunciation of meaning in words occurs simultaneously with understanding, poetic pronunciation is the place for the most complete manifestation of meaning in language.


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Author Biographies

I. Yu. Soina, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Yu. A. Semenova, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

G. N. Goncharov, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

N. Yu. Petrusenko, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

N. A. Kambur, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

S. Ph. Chervona, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture


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How to Cite

Soina, I. Y., Semenova, Y. A., Goncharov, G. N., Petrusenko, N. Y., Kambur, N. A., & Chervona, S. P. (2019). Poetic understanding as the initial input of being-in-the-world. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 278–286. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/101


