Motivation for socially significant activities as a condition for successful socialization of personality


  • Irina A. Terentyeva Department of General Legal Disciplines and Political Science, Orenburg State University, Russia
  • Tatyana A. Nikitina Department of General Legal Disciplines and Political Science, Orenburg State University Russia


Socialization of youth; motivation; educational component; pedagogical support; creative activity success, self-affirmation, social competence.


In modern society, the search for pedagogical conditions for the successful socialization of youth is an urgent scientific problem. The result of successful socialization is a formed social competence, which is understood as an integrative personal education, including knowledge, skills, abilities, which are formed in the process of socialization and allow a person to quickly and adequately adapt in society and effectively interact with the social environment. An important component of social competence is the motivation for socially significant activity, which serves as a prevention of destructive behavior in society. The authors put forward the thesis about the need to build a comprehensive work aimed at the formation of social competence, including pedagogical support (a set of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of social competence), strengthening the educational component in education and building relationships with young people. The results of a study conducted at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Orenburg State University FSBEI of HE with the use of funds from the Orenburg Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity GBUDO, confirmed the hypothesis: the formation of social competence of youth will be effective when implementing a set of pedagogical conditions aimed at managing the process of socialization of youth: a coordinated space is formed (based on the use of the potential of the general and complement education), which contributes to the integration of youth in the system of public relations; pedagogical support (through the educational component) of the process of socialization of youth in a coordinated space was provided; motivation (personal meaning) for socially significant, creative activity is actualized. Personal needs, motivation, a positive attitude to work, creativity (motivational sphere) are formed due to the awareness of the personal significance of socially useful activities. The authors conclude that in the process of successful socialization of youth, the formation of social competence takes place, and the motivational sphere plays a leading role in this process. The following motives are central to motivation: the motive of success (achievement), the motive of fear (failure) and the motive of self-affirmation. Motivation for success is one of the indicators of successful socialization of youth, preventing the formation of destructive actions. Self-realization in socially significant activities contributes to the self-assertion of the individual. The motive of self-affirmation in constructive activity serves as a prevention of destructive, anti-social behavior.


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Biografia do Autor

Irina A. Terentyeva, Department of General Legal Disciplines and Political Science, Orenburg State University, Russia

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and Political Science, Orenburg State University, Russia

Tatyana A. Nikitina, Department of General Legal Disciplines and Political Science, Orenburg State University Russia

Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines and Political Science, Orenburg State University Russia


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Como Citar

Terentyeva, I. A., & Nikitina, T. A. (2019). Motivation for socially significant activities as a condition for successful socialization of personality. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 821–829. Recuperado de


