Creation background of the Yakutsk city intelligent transport system



Street-road network, intelligent transport system, intersection, traffic light, mode of operation, road traffic accidents, safety.


Damage to human health and life, material damage caused to the economy due to accidents on highways is one of the most serious socio-economic problems. Currently, this issue is becoming especially acute due to the still low culture of road users, the increase in the number of cars and high public demand for ensuring the safety of all road users. One of the significant reasons for the high accident rate in the city is the existing disproportion between the development of the street road system and the growth of the vehicle fleet, which leads to worsening traffic conditions, congestion, increased delays and increased harmful emissions into the atmosphere, environmental degradation, and social discomfort. Obviously, the modern technical equipment and the state of the organization of traffic do not allow ensuring the safety of traffic entities, and the growing level of motorization of the population and the existing labor migration traffic create an enormous load on the street-road network of the city agglomeration. The above factors generally do not stimulate accelerated social reproduction and are expressed in negative consequences such as an increase in travel time, an increase in the number of vehicle stops, an increase in the loss of time for legal entities and individuals, accelerated wear of the road surface, increased fuel consumption, and environmental degradation. The article presents the results of an analysis of the existing traffic light regulation, statistics of traffic accidents, a sociological survey, shows the grouping of intersections by hazard and congestion criteria, and offers the option of covering intersections of the city of Yakutsk with an intelligent transport system. The factors of a negative impact on safety and traffic management are listed, the prerequisites for the introduction of an intelligent transport system in the territory of the city agglomeration of Yakutsk are identified.


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Biografia do Autor

Anna Egorovna Ivanova, Department of «Highways and airfield» Yakutsk, RUSSIA

Department of «Highways and airfield» Yakutsk, RUSSIA

Dmitry Vasilievich Filippov, NEFU Road Faculty, Dean Yakutsk, RUSSIA

NEFU Road Faculty, Dean Yakutsk, RUSSIA


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Como Citar

Ivanova, A. E., & Filippov, D. V. (2019). Creation background of the Yakutsk city intelligent transport system. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 419–430. Recuperado de


