Cultural and civilizational phenomenon of intelligentsia: Historical and visionary reality


  • Marianna A. Dudareva Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build. Russia.
  • Natalia E. Chesnokova Surgut State University, Russia.
  • Tatiana A. Yashina Penza State Technological University
  • Marina A. Shtanko Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Taganrog, Russia


Cultural code, archetype, Russian intelligentsia, Russian literature, Russian philosophy, German philosophy.


The article attempts to consider the phenomenon of the Russian intelligentsia in a wide cultural context. We turn to the works of Russian philosophers, to the works of art by Russian writers. Philosophy, literature and art in Russian culture form a synthesis through which you can understand the uniqueness of the national image of the world. The material for the study is the treatise S.A. Yesenin "The keys of Mary”. In this treatise, the poet reflects not only on the laws of art, but also gives ideas about the Russian man, his connection with archaic knowledge, expressed through ornament, embroidery, and applied art. The comparative-typological, structural-functional and systematic analysis method is applied.


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Biografia do Autor

Marianna A. Dudareva, Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build. Russia.

Candidate of Philology Senior lecturer Russian Language Department No. 2, the Russian Language and General Education Faculty RUDN University Build. Russia.

Natalia E. Chesnokova, Surgut State University, Russia.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Surgut State University, Russia.

Tatiana A. Yashina, Penza State Technological University

Associate Professor, Department of translation and methods of translation, Penza State Technological University

Marina A. Shtanko, Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Taganrog, Russia

Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Taganrog, Russia


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Como Citar

Dudareva, M. A., Chesnokova, N. E., Yashina, T. A., & Shtanko, M. A. (2019). Cultural and civilizational phenomenon of intelligentsia: Historical and visionary reality. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 171–177. Recuperado de


