Constitutional guarantee of the right to judicial protection in disputes concerning the invalidity of a will as grounds for the acquisition of property rights in Ukraine


  • Iryna Drobush National University of Ostroh Academy
  • Olena Olkina National University «Odesa Law Academy»
  • Tetiana Vodopian National University of Water and Nature Resources Use
  • Illia But National University «Odesa Law Academy»


Constitutional guarantees, judicial protection, invalid will, property right.


The authors of the article have carried out research in the field of ensuring the constitutional guarantees of the right to judicial protection in disputes concerning the invalidity of a will as a basis for acquiring property rights in Ukraine. The object of the study was the public relations that result from the recognition of a valid covenant. The subject of the study was the domestic regulations that provide the rights to judicial protection in disputes about the invalidity of the will. Constitution as the main law of Ukraine in Art. 3 establishes a guarantee under which the state is charged with the duty to assert and uphold human rights and freedoms, which is its primary duty. In case of violation, non-recognition or contestation human rights, the right to protection by a court is guaranteed by the Constitution. According to Art. 55 of the Constitution, the court protects human rights and freedoms.
According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the norms of the Constitution, civil law and civil procedural legislation of Ukraine serve as the basis for a well-established generalization of jurisprudence in disputes about the invalidity of a will as a basis for acquiring property rights in Ukraine. However, the individual cases of individual courts of the national judicial system of Ukraine do not allow to claim the existence of a unified algorithm for the application of law-enforcement practice, agreed and recommended by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, which indicates the existence of possible controversial situations to resolve the problem further.


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Biografia do Autor

Iryna Drobush, National University of Ostroh Academy

Doctor of Jurispridence, Associate Professor, Head of Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the National University of Ostroh Academy

Olena Olkina, National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Department of Constitutional Law of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Tetiana Vodopian, National University of Water and Nature Resources Use

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Department of Constitutional Law and Law Brunch Disciplines National University of Water and Nature Resources Use

Illia But, National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Department of Civil Procudure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»


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Como Citar

Drobush, I., Olkina, O., Vodopian, T., & But, I. (2019). Constitutional guarantee of the right to judicial protection in disputes concerning the invalidity of a will as grounds for the acquisition of property rights in Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 8(22), 766–772. Recuperado de


