Raw materials for the production of trotyl in the context of the development problems of the soviet oil industry in the 1920-1940s


  • Andrey N. Balysh Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University, Moscow, Russia


Explosives, lend-lease, oil fields, pyrolysis of petroleum products, toluene.


The Second World War influenced on the history of the twentieth century a lot. Based on its results, many conclusions were made and a huge number of works were written. However, even 75 years after the end of this bloody war, for all time of the existence of humanity, there are still a lot of questions that need to be revealed and they are ¨waiting¨ for their researchers.

The Second World War is a confrontation between economically developed countries, which had powerful manufacturing (industrial) and mining (raw materials) sectors. However, in some countries, some important defense industries were not always provided with a raw material base appropriate to their needs.

One of such branches of the military industry in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the 1920-1940s was the industry for the manufacture of explosives, producing for the Red Army trotyl (TNT) as the main type of explosive. The combat readiness of the Soviet army in large-scale military conflicts directly depended on different types of TNT equipment and the purpose of the ammunition.

The main raw material base for the production of TNT in the USSR was oil products, which required a significant increase in oil production in the country. For various reasons, this did not happen, on the contrary, oil production during the war was significantly reduced. This circumstance made it impossible to supply parts of the Red Army with TNT ammunition from the Soviet Union’s own resources. This meant a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the actions of Soviet army during the battles with Nazi aggressors. Only appropriate supplies to the USSR from the United States made it possible to fill the shortage of ammunition in the Red Army and carry out a number of successful operations (especially in 1944-1945), which led to the collapse of the Third Reich.

In this article, for the first time, we can find the data on volumes of production and import of explosives in the USSR during the Second World War. The features of the development of the Soviet oil industry in the 1920-1940s are analyzed. There are the reasons for the sharp decline in oil production and the effect of this factor on the supply of Soviet troops with ammunition in the first half of the 1940s.


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Biografia do Autor

Andrey N. Balysh, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University, Moscow, Russia

PhD, Docent, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University, Moscow, Russia


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Como Citar

Balysh, A. N. (2019). Raw materials for the production of trotyl in the context of the development problems of the soviet oil industry in the 1920-1940s. Amazonia Investiga, 8(22), 459–466. Recuperado de https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/786


