Mediation in administrative and legal disputes in Ukraine: a European perspective




mediation, legal aid, administrativelegal dispute, subject of authority, public-legal relations, notary, institutional mediation.


The purpose of the article is to study the foreign and Ukrainian experience in the development of the institution of mediation in administrative and legal disputes. Research methods are analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy, comparative law, analysis of court practice, and others. The article examines the requirements for a professional mediator as an element of the effectiveness of mediation in administrativelegal disputes and the European experience of normative-legal consolidation of the organization of mediation in administrative-legal disputes. The authors analyze the possibility of involving a notary as a qualified lawyer and mediator, especially in public legal disputes. The study provides examples of successful mediation implementation practices in the United States and European Union countries. In addition, the authors emphasized the need for institutional mediation to resolve administrative-legal disputes, taking into account their complexity, using France’s experience to improve publiclegal relations in Ukraine. It has been emphasized that mediation helps to reduce the burden on the judicial system, ensures a faster and more efficient resolution of administrative cases, and helps preserve the relationship between the parties, building trust between the state and the citizen.


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Biografia do Autor

Vladyslav Teremetskyi, National Academy of Legal Sciences, Ukraine

Doctor in Law, Professor, leading research scientist of the Department of International Private and Comparative Law, Academician F.H. Burchak Scientific Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship, National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Kseniia Tokarieva, National Aviation University, Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Maryna Myronenko, National Aviation University, Ukraine.

A graduate student of the National Aviation University, Department of Administrative Law and Procedure, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Inna Mishchuk, National University of Water Management and Nature Engineering, Ukraine.

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and branch disciplines of the EducationalScientific Institute of Law, National University of Water Management and Nature Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine.

Yuliia Melnychuk, National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine.

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, associate professor of the Department of Legal Environmental Disciplines of EducationalScientific Institute of Law, National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine.


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Como Citar

Teremetskyi, V., Tokarieva, K., Myronenko, M., Mishchuk, I., & Melnychuk, Y. (2023). Mediation in administrative and legal disputes in Ukraine: a European perspective. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 200–209.


