Mykola Rudenko’s poetry and prose as a platform for popularizing the author’s alternative hypothesis of the Universe




the Universe, Mykola Rudenko, the Monad, poetry, prose.


The results of literary research of members of Sumy Branch of Scientific Society named after Serhiy Podolyns’kyy are presented, which reveal the uniqueness of literary output of outstanding Ukrainian writer Mykola Rudenko. His literary legacy is unique because the writer used it as a popularization platform of his scientific hypotheses, and ideas; it saturates textual essence of his works with scientific terminology, formulas, mathematical, physical calculations; forms reader’s scientific worldview and allows wide readership to participate in writer’s scientific discoveries. The purpose of study is to show how scientific hypothesis of Mykola Rudenko’s Monadic world structure was formed and how it was reflected in his works.

Research used general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and literary methods (systemic approach, hermeneutic, etc.).

The works of I. Voloshyn, H. Vivat, P. Grigorenko, B. Pastukh, T. Trofymenko, O. Nezhivy, V. Shevchuk allow to comprehensively comprehend the legacy of Mykola Rudenko.

A detailed analysis of works of M. Rudenko allows us to conclude: 1) writer used his literary works as a platform to popularize his scientific research; 2) M. Rudenko managed to create whole layer of "scientific" poetry and prose; 3) one should not consider his poetry and prose as an appendix to "Energy of Progress" – they are autonomous works, especially lyrics.


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Biografia do Autor

Yulia Logvynenko, Sumy Regional Teacher Training Institute, Sumy, Ukraine.

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Humanities, Sumy Regional Teacher Training Institute, Sumy, Ukraine.

Volodymyr Mazurenko, Sumy Regional Teacher Training Institute, Sumy, Ukraine.

PhD in Technology, Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Humanities, Sumy Regional Teacher Training Institute, Sumy, Ukraine.

Larysa Sytnyk, Sumy Regional Teacher Training Institute, Sumy, Ukraine.

PhD in Technology, Associate Professor at the Department of Educational and Information Technology, Sumy Regional Teacher Training Institute, Sumy, Ukraine.

Nadiia Bilyk, M.V. Оstrohradskyi Poltava Academy of Continuous Education, Poltava, Ukraine.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, M.V. Оstrohradskyi Poltava Academy of Continuous Education, Poltava, Ukraine.


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Como Citar

Logvynenko, Y., Mazurenko, V., Sytnyk, L., & Bilyk, N. (2023). Mykola Rudenko’s poetry and prose as a platform for popularizing the author’s alternative hypothesis of the Universe. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 223–231.


